You say you really know me
You're not afraid to show me, what is in your eyes
Sunday, May 2, 2010 / 6:25 AM

Sunday, April 25, 2010 / 4:55 AM

Back again to post second time in the night?
today all my friends like so busy going out
only me dying of boredom sia :-/
I sleep and sleep and sleep...
sleep until i canot sleep anymore
SOmeBodY save me!! suddenly i so excited to go school tomoro...
i wonder whats wrong with me sia.. '_'
i'm sodead...
I think its because i got new motivation to go school is cause of my pencil box
AFTER i got new pencil box and everything
i suddenly canot wait to go school sia :-)
I'm happy for myself
but go to school kinda sians.. haissshhh
later, still will half dead in school sometimes i really wonder lo
Listening to -spare me the time of a song- ( its actually a chinese song merely translated it nia...
today nothing special sians right? my life...


Today and later
/ 4:03 AM

Hello everyone!
No need to tag its impossible... :D
I will change the Cbox ASAP but No promises
Been really lazy
ask me why i got blog when i'm lazy
i'll jus say its like a personal diary lo...
jus that it is publicized to ppl who wanna read it
Listening to my uncle usb de song
quite alot i kinda liked :D
Later meeting Jakey to dinner XD
my mother is cooking sia :'/
haiz but i think i go out for dinner instead bah with Jakey
hahs Yesterday when out with Jakey round 2 came home...
My parents nvr scold, cool right?
If all my friends could stay out late i'll be super happy
-Incredibly Close and Extremely Loud

If its...
Friday, April 23, 2010 / 9:48 PM

If one of us is lying, there's no point in trying...Maybe its just a lovely thought wher u start to think
how stupid you had been...
A friend?
Or just someone ur using?
SHe asked me to help her do things
I'd borrowed alot of money from her
She would wait for me
I'm impatient
<3>BUT yet we are still so close
I wait for him...
I don't know if he really do
But i'm always disappointed by the initiative i had to take
What am i doing?
Why am I waiting...
Maybe he's jus not it for me...

/ 8:19 AM

Hello ppls

~ the blog ain't dead its jus... cause i canot us the comp on

Friday- SUnday ONLY

sians right?

i know...
Come bck for regular update on Fri Sat and Sun wwor
DOn neglect this!
It ain't fair my GaWd ppl update theirs all the time cause they can use
But poor me
I can't :(
I waNT to know: If i am steading with a person, how do i know if i love them>?
Jus a random QUestion only...

Sunday, April 18, 2010 / 3:19 AM

i don't know what the fuck wrong with my Photoscape uh! canot edit my stoopid photos !
i am really thinking will this be another dead blog again?
-- I should use photo bucket but so lag >_>
I WISH there was another thing like photoscape!
mus start linking some ppl up lo
borrreeddd...toooo.....deaaattthhhh at hme ler lah
somebody bring me outtt!! hahs
so many ppl have BF ler i oso want :( (i so ugly sia who want me)
... haiz haiz ... -----Must buck up my chinese!
examination coming lerss! what am i doing!!!
~ i am still not concentrating
~I am still playing
Oh me GOSH! I need to do mrs chong hmewrk i forgot damn it!
sians don even feel like doing!!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010 / 7:51 AM

its called craysxxxhetojkgrpo